Sunday, November 14, 2010

Comments on "Felony before Terror"

The poem “Felony before Terror” is written in the form of a Double Acrostic Mesostich. It was composed on August 6, 2009 at Cassia Drive, Barbados.

The title of the poem is made up of three words. Acrostics were form from the first and last words in the title and the Mesostich from the middle word in the title. The Acrostic appears on the left and right sides of the poem’s lines of verses and the Mesostich at the middle point of these same lines of verses. This poem is made up of fifty-seven words with a syllable count of eighty-five as shown in the three-column table below.

Right Side                                         Middle point       Left Side

Fires on bush put                              brave                   those souls to the test                 
5 syllables                                          1 syllable              5 syllables   = 11 syllables
(4 words)                                          (1 word)                 (5 words)      (10 words)

eager suicide bombers                     everywhere          minds overflow with evil
7 syllables                                          3 syllables            7 syllables   =  17 syllables
(3 words)                                           (1 word)                (4 words)       (8 words)

leaving plenty dreadful acts to         fall                          in the snow and thunderous rain;
8 syllables                                        1 syllable                8 syllables   =  17 syllables
(5 words)                                         (1 word)                 (6 words)      (12 words)        

obstructing the rightful                      ownership                comes from those angry rogues
6 syllables                                            3 syllables                6 syllables   = 15 syllables 
(3 words)                                             (1 word)                    (5 words       (9 words)     

nagging, in demonic                         reckless                    mindset does overflow             
6 syllables                                          2 sylables                 6 syllables      = 14 syllables 
(3 words)                                           (1 word)                   (3 words)          (7 words)

year-round, CIA                              eyes                           sieve through tuff rumors
5 syllables                                        1 syllable                   5 syllables      =  11 syllables
(5 words)                                       (1 word)                    (4 words)             10 words

For guidelines on how to write the Double Acrostic click on this link and for the Mesostich guidelines click on this link.

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