Northern Drive to St Lucy

Northern Drive to St Lucy
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Monday, February 27, 2012

Dispondee Foot

The Dispondee is a tetrasyllabic metrical foot used in metered poetry. In classical poetry of the Greeks and Romans the Dispondee consists of four long syllables. In English poetry it consists of four stressed syllables as shown in the Table below.

Don’t expect to find poems made up of the Dispondee foot entirely. However, you are bound to see the Dispondee foot tramping along with other foot types in verses of poems. This is true with respect to the poem, “Ode to Black Pudding and Souse” written as an Irregular Ode in Pentameter with nine stanzas. The Dispondee is found in the following verses of the poem. Take a look.

Stanza 1, Verse 4
Rope leashed black-belly sheep and goats, to graze
Stanza 2, Verse 1 
Those cane-sucking youths watched Broomfield's sweet teeth
Stanza 3, Verse 1 
Once each month early a Saturday morn,
Stanza 4, Verse 13 
Spare ribs, ham, bacon served in posh housetops.
Stanza 5, Verse 7 
Pam Smith-Skeete cleaned ears, tails and sow's trotters;
Stanza 6, Verse 6
On hell's ground, pig wailed 'oink, oink damned tyrant';
Stanza 7, Verse 11 
Minds boggle, how folks clean well, heaps of gut;

Stanza 8, Verses 1, 2

For hours henceforth guts steep with salina;
While Marge grates sweet potatoes in tin bowl;

Stanza 8, Verses 3, 9
Adds thyme, sweet marjoram, Bajan sugar
Just like grand grand force-feeding her turkey;
Stanza 9, Verses 3, 4
Oinks, joints, blood, tears of ingenuity
Have made unwanted pig parts, real soul-dish

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Bajan Voicing Classical Latin Alphabet
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Haiti Under Rubble from 7.0 Earthquake

Natural disasters whenever and wherever they occur impact on all of our lives. The Good Book says we are our brothers and sisters keepers lead by the Holy Spirit. Hence, we must do our part when disaster shows its ugly face. Any assistance, great or small, given from generous and loving hearts has equal weight. I'm passing on this information I received that Barbadians can go to First Caribbean Bank to donate to the Disaster Relief Fund for Haiti. The banking information is shown below:

First Caribbean Bank Account--2645374-- Cheques can be written to: HELP #2645374

For more information click on this link

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti.

Reading Poetry